2021 • Lecture performance | A meta-academic performance that speculatively reflects on the queer university of the future.

Multiversity is a lecture performance by Rogério Nuno Costa, part of a research project of the same name. Multiversity is a speculative queer university of the future, a place that transcends the boundaries of school and learning. The research project is supported by the Reclamar Tempo program granted by the Teatro Municipal do Porto.
Namesake lecture-performance was shown at Rua das Gaivotas 6 (Lisbon) in May 2021. Sound installation & website launched at Campus Paulo Cunha e Silva’s Open Days (Porto) in June 2021. The keynote-lecture was performed at Aalto University (Espoo) in October 2021 and Colóquio Teatro sobre Ciência: teoria e prática (Coimbra) in November 2021.
The global project will be concluded in 2024 with a retrospective publication and the building of a precarious, temporary and peripatetic multiversity in the cities of Vila do Conde (PT) and Helsinki (FI).


Homepage of Multiversity project
(Update April 2023): Multiversity was featured in UMBIGO magazine. See more on the news section:
Multiversity featured in UMBIGO magazine #84
UMBIGO’s issue #84: Centres/Margins is now out! This issue includes an exclusive story on Rogério Nuno Costa’s Multiversity project, featuring my artwork.

Jani Nummela

Text, performance & publication Rogério Nuno Costa
Graphic design & music Jani Nummela
Photographic documentation Alípio Padilha
Tour Rua das Gaivotas 6, Lisbon (May 2021), CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva | Open Days, Porto (June 2021), Festival Atos de Fala, Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon (January 2022), Encontro de Artes Performativas RE=Iniciar | Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte, Santa Maria da Feira (November 2022), Aalto University, Helsinki (December 2022)
Residencies Kallio Stage, Helsinki (2020) and CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva, Porto (2021)
Support Rua das Gaivotas 6 (Lisbon), Parasita Associação, Teatro do Bairro Alto. Laboratories: ArtEZ University of the Arts (Arnhem), Circular – Festival de Artes Performativas de Vila do Conde, E-motional | Re-Thinking Dance (Bucharest), Arthouse/Aalto University (Espoo), Porta33 (Funchal), Creative Commons Global Summit (Toronto), Núcleo de Investigação em Estudos Performativos | Universidade do Minho (Guimarães), Centro em Movimento (Lisbon)
Multiversity is co-funded by Aalto Arts, Department of Art Grants (Aalto University, Finland), Reclamar Tempo (Teatro Municipal do Porto) and Garantir Cultura/Fundo de Fomento Cultural (Portugal).

Design: Jani Nummela

Photos: Alípio Padilha
by Jani Nummela